Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama seals the deal

It's Barack Obama's 30-minute closing ad--and it starts with spectacular scenes of fields of wheat. Then Obama speaking directly on tape from a very presidential-looking office. Next it's him with voters, then a live cut-in from a speech in Florida.

It's very slickly-produced; shot beautifully, maybe too much so? First, Missouri, typical white mother talking about her family, Obama narrating, then going to clip from his acceptence speech. This is a new format, so hard to feel how well he's doing.

Back to Barack in the office, talking about the Wall Street crash. Let's see if he even mentions John McCain tonight--I wouldn't be surprised if not. Lists his plan, point by point.

Clip of him talking to voters, all old this time. He's listening and then reassuring an older guy about his pension fears, the guy says thank you a few times. Next, governor of Ohio Ted Stricklin speaks--hmmm, this is interesting, a lot of different things woven in, complete with a teaser, live Obama event coming up.

Now Kathleen Sebelius, then Deval Patrick from Massachusetts. Now, black family in Ohio, older, own home; this one's focused on health care. Husband had to go back to work at age 72. Wow.

Back to Obama in the office. Lots of hand gestures tonight. Talking about energy independence--odd, no transition from health care to this. He's not as good when he sits down, odd body language. His points flash on the screen as he lays out his plan.

Hmm, pivot to Iraq, clip from the debates about the cost of staying there. Then from the campaign trail. Wow, Google CEO talks; then Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine. Smart, it's not just him. The best parts are him talking to voters.

Now, big family--Hispanic--around the dinner table, New Mexico; she's a teacher, and then another job afterwards, plus teacher training classes. Wow, these segments are pretty good, she's grocery shopping. All these people are helping voters feel like Obama knows them.

This is definitely a commercial; clip of Obama talking about education, with footage of kids in school, impossibly photogenic.

Now pivot to his biography, photos and Obama talking about his father briefly, then his mother. Another clip from his acceptence speech, more on education. Better clip of him in his office now, cut at the shoulder-level so no odd gestures. Back to health care, odd transition here.

More biography, photos of him, talking about his mom's death from cancer. Clip from his announcement that he's running; then more campaign speaking, about his mom's last months reading insurance forms, never got to see her grandchildren, that breaks my heart.

Michelle, talking about him and his daughters, Malia and him read through all the Harry Potter books. Amazing b-roll of the next first family, clip from his acceptence speech, we all have to look out for each other. Wow, clip from his 2004 convention speech, looking impossibly young. Sen. Dick Durbin talking under the b-roll and photos.

Gov. Claire Macaskill talks about him taking on the establishment; then Joe Biden on his bipartisanship. Obama talks about Biden from a clip during the debates, some home videos and photos of Joe. We're 20 minutes in, so far this is very interesting.

Another white family--hey, where are the Asian Americans?!--from Kentucky, of all places! Hardly a swing state--at the moment. Focus on working class families. Struggling to make ends meet... you feel so bad for all these hard-working people. Wow, the guy's making phone calls with a diverse group for Obama.

Obama speech clip, talking about his grandparents over b-roll. This is our moment. As commander-in-chief, I will never hesitate to defend our country. Iran, Russia, Afghanistan. Clip of him with a woman on the rope line in Iowa, whose son had been shipped out to Iraq. Wow, ex-brigadier general, John Adams, talking about how Obama will be a great president.

Okay, he's hit it out of the park again. No mention of McCain, all positive, but specific, with real people and their stories. Bill Richardson--"this guy is special, he can bring people together, he's a good, decent man, can heal this country, very unusual, good, positive sides of this man that we need at this juncture in our history."

Obama on the stump, I am not a perfect man, but will always be honest, listen to you when we disagree, open the doors of government.

Wow, live from Florida, in a huge basketball arena, big crowd. He's talking directly to the camera. In 6 days, we can choose... rebuild economy, hope over fear, unity over division, promise of change over the status quo, come together as one nation. Lists people across the country he wants to help. 2 minutes left; in this last week, if you'll knock on some doors, make some calls, stand with me, we will win this eletion, and together we will change this country and change this world. Crowd goes nuts, and as always the timing is perfect, he's smiling.

Website, phone number; Joe Biden joins him up on stage, they're holding hands; wow.

Yeah, that was amazingly powerful. I've been saying landslide all along--dimensions might be even bigger than thought.

Wow, and in a huge mistake, McCain runs a negative ad a few minutes after Obama on FOX and right before the World Series resumes! It just feels so wrong....

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