The whole world is watching
As an American, it's interesting how much attention the rest of the world pays to what happens in the U.S. We're so engrossed in our own affairs it's sometimes a bit startling to look up and realize other nations are closely watching--in surprising detail, and at times as anxious to know the outcome as we are.
Here's a quick round-up of what's leading the websites of leading newspapers around the world 'tonight'... in most cases supplemented with multiple related articles and things like 'infographie':
-Democrats 'to control US Senate', BBC: AP news agency calls the final US Senate seat for the Democrats, as defence chief Donald Rumsfeld steps down.AP photo of sales person Tomoaki Soma adjusting TV screens as an interview of re-elected Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is aired at Tokyo's Kimuraya Select electric/electronics discount store by Itsuo Inouye.
-Demokraten holen auch im Senat die Mehrheit, Der Spiegel: Die Schlappe für US-Präsident Bush und seine Republikaner bei den Kongresswahlen ist komplett: Nach dem Repräsentantenhaus haben die Demokraten Berichten zufolge auch im Senat die Mehrheit erobert. Im entscheidenden Bundesstaat Virginia setzte sich der demokratische Herausforderer Webb durch.
-Les démocrates ont pris le contrôle du Sénat, selon les médias américains, Le Monde: Selon les chaînes de télévision NBC et CBS, le démocrate Jim Webb l'a emporté face au républicain George Allen en Virginie. Les démocrates disposent ainsi de 51 sièges sur 100 au Sénat.
-Los demócratas logran también el control del Senado, según varios medios de EE UU , El Pais: Aunque no es oficial, la NBC y la agencia AP otorgan a Jim Webb la victoria en Virginia, lo que otorgaría a los demócratas el control de las dos Cámaras. El republicano George Allen no ha reconocido su derrota y algunos medios, como la CNN, no descartan que debido a la estrecha diferencia de votos, el Partido Republicano pida un nuevo recuento.
-Amid electoral debacle, Bush holds out hope for nuke deal, Times of India: On a politically turbulent day, President Bush said he was trying to get the US-India nuclear deal passed during the upcoming lame duck session.
-Yomiuri Online, top story about ASEAN meeting, Flash! news item (translated): Democrats have secured the majority of seats in the U.S. Senate, as well as in the lower house, in the midterm elections, according to the AP.
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