Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mariah and the gang

Idols are all glammed up, with Mariah Carey mentoring in a tie-in to her new album. She brings her dog to meet the Idols, tells them to see her just like a friend... okay.

Wow, Paula has a totally new hairstyle, she and Simon tease Randy, say they're going to have to defer to him.

David Archuleta up first, says he it was scary to meet her, doesn't think he's worthy to be in her presence. She says he was really moving, calls his singing beautiful. In leather pants and reddish t-shirt, doing When You Believe. I don't think the song's that good, he's just okay singing it, nothing compelling for me. Randy says he was worried tonight about boys singing girls songs, but you can sing anything, that was great. Paula says it must feel great for Mariah to hear you sing her song (huh?!); Simon says he knew that was the song he'd pick, you were wonderful.

Carly Smithson next, she talks about Michael Johns leaving, says it's been boring without him, not the same without the big goofball. Mariah says she'll be great singing Without You; chose the right notes for her range. In plunging dark dress, pretty good start; kindof an odd version of the song, more conversational than anything else--I like it though I think, seems fresh. A bit Barbra Streisandish; kind of goes nuts after a while, but some pretty nice moments in the middle. Randy says not bad, believe in your lower range too; Paula liked her vocal restraint early; Simon says he doesn't think she pulled it off, even though he was looking forward to hearing it, you're capable of it but you're overthinking things and are too wound up.

Syesha Mercado, doing Vanishing, Mariah says it's a good choice for her, calls it amazing. In slinky gold gown, totally glammed up; like a pro singer. Also an idiosyncratic take on the song, doesn't quite flow--almost like she's trying to make it her own. It's fine, the song's not that great but she does go big on the vocals. Still, never gets into a flow. Randy says the toughest song of the night, bold, did a good job overall. Paula says you were smart to pick a non-huge song, and changing up your voice; Simon says technically it was very good, but maybe a bit too obscure.

Brooke White, in sparkly black gown, tells Ryan she had to miss her sister's wedding cause of the mentor taping. Oooh, she's singing this hippie version of Hero, Mariah says she's really genuine, something brand new. At the piano, hmmm, I like it--the song's good, and the plainness of her version works with the lyrics and her craggy voice. A bit rushed, and you can her her breaths--also not hushed enough; but because the song's good, it's enjoyable. A bit nutty towards the end, but it's the best of the night so far. Wow, she's totally shaking, is really nervous; and definitely needs to slow down. It could've been great, as it is, is good. Randy says you messed up on the bridge, she does that too much and too loud talking thing; Paula says it was very authentic, don't speed it up as a result; Simon says like a hamburger that's just bun; the vital ingredient was missing, your voice isn't strong enough for the song.

Oh gosh, Kristy Lee Cook, singing Forever; yowling in the clip. Mariah says she likes it, got goosebumps. In odd goldish gown; feel like she's singing off-key, but it's not horrible with the controlled start; then soars, again just a tad flat. She's pretty compelling, and the pace suits her voice; this is the first time in weeks I haven't disliked her, she has an old-time June Carter potential to her voice and most of all it was interesting. Randy says not amazing, some pitch problems, but you started stepping up at the end. Paula says you're building, blown away, then rambles; Simon says you didn't give me chills, you managed with what you could, a bit whiny at times, smart if not great.

David Cook, as Ryan hangs out wearing a hat in the audience with Rameile, Mariah was surprised by Always Be My Baby, not sure what he was going to do with it, made her proud at how flexible her song can be. Man, he gets a huge cheer as he starts, in vest and shirt and loose tie; hey, this is quite good! Very cool vibe to it, not cheesy at all--totally plays with the speed of the chorus, then rocks out in the second half. Very confident, gets the crowd hyped up, just looks like a star. The best, by a mile, including the slow, controlled last line. Randy says you're ready to make an album, stands up for the first time this season, calls it the most brilliant performance yet; Paula says it could be on a movie soundtrack right now; Simon says going from karaoke hell into a breath of fresh air--original, daring, stands out a mile, and you took a risk. It's bedlam after that; Cook's in tears.

Jason Castro closes the show, as Ryan rips down a Simon for President poster. Mariah says he's doing something different, calls him unique. Doing I Don't Wanna cry, it's ok--just flat after David Cook; not bad, but like something you'd have on in background. Very soulful but the song's not that great. Randy says like at some weird beach lua, Paula says she'd love to be at that lua listening all night long, Simon says he agrees with Paula, not the best vocal of the night but it was authentic and cool, the guys won the night.

David Cook
Kristy Lee Cook
Brooke White
Jason Castro
Carly Smithson
David Archuleta
Syesha Mercado

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