Thursday, February 23, 2006

Down to XX

Funny, Fox is apparently showing 'Skating with Celebrities' after this--kind of an insane programming decision, who's gonna watch fake skating on the same night as the real thing? It'd be like if American Idol tried to compete with a concert by Kelly Clarkson.

Almost 40 million votes came in Ryan says, that's astonishing. About 30 million watched each night, so a pretty high percentage must've voted. It's always a stretch to fill an hour for the results show, hopefully with four people to cut it won't be padded so much. Ryan's opening chat with the panel is totally worthless, just self-congratulatory and an extended commercial. Simon asks Ryan why he's obsessed with what he wears, bordering on creepy. Ryan asks if it's obvious who's leaving tonight, he says yeah, they were terrible. Simon says he thinks 'we' have now trained the American audience to be good music critics.

Everyone sits on the edge of the stage, sings 'Take it Easy.' Total mike problems, they're all getting swallowed. Then Chris Daughtry pierces through. For the most part it's a mess, way too many people. And no solos for Paris.

Clips recap the past two shows. The people I liked the least were David Radford and Bobby Bennett, and Becky O'Donohue and Heather Cox. But really, at this stage, there are so many people who could go and I wouldn't care, there are just too many people. Hmm, and Ryan lies to make it end poetically, he says both nights ended with smiles and smoldering looks, showing Katharine McPhee--who was the last woman; and Ace Young, who was next-to-last.

Ryan talks to Brenna, who has crazy puffed out hair. Then to more of the women. Nothing that interesting comes out of it, a lot of nervous posturing. Back row is obviously safe, all the favorites are in it. Hmm, Kinik (5th from bottom for me), Becky (2nd from bottom) and Brenna (4th from bottom). So that's ok; surprised that Stevie, who I liked but Simon savaged, is still alive; and also Heather, who I had last and was terrible. I assume it's Brenna and Becky, but who knows. Becky's the one with the Maxim photos too. Kinik sits down, which gets cheers, but means nothing. Bye bye Becky.

Ah, I forgot they do this in two parts. So Stevie and Heather could still go! Becky handles it well, like an adult. She makes a speech, thanks American Idol. Gosh, if she'd sang like this the other night she might still be around, it's totally free and easy, not great but definitely better.

Back with the guys. Half the show's over and they've only cut one, they really gotta move. They waste more time talking to the guys. Although Eliott has a nice minute, talks about how he's got praise but it's just potential.

Front row's safe is my guess--whoah, no way, they're all safe. Odd. I guess some of the best are mixed in with the worst, with the women it was totally obvious. Final two are Bobby and Sway. See ya, Bobby. Big and small. Here and gone. Sway's very confident and cool. And it is indeed Bobby. Who then goes on and on.

Paula tells him to go into musical comedy; Simon says he's charming. He's okay. How come nobody said he's like Jackie Gleason. Ugh, performance is even worse the second time.

Women back up. Back row safe again. Brenna, Kinik safe; Melissa safe too. So it's the obvious Stevie and Heather. Wow, very cruelly Ryan tells them both to get up, then says on second thought Heather sit down, it's you Stevie. She's very sweet about it. Sings again--I still think she's good, Simon pushed her off. Oh well; song selection is part of it, she didn't do a great job with that.

Bye bye to another guy. Front row is safe this time, he forces entire back row to go on stage. So dumb. Ryan says no results, so you can't tell. Sends four right back, down to Bucky and Patrick. And it's bye to Patrick, who I had at 4th from bottom. Kindof of a surprise though, maybe he got lost, and no fans obviously. He's got a good attitude.

I really dislike how they jerk everyone around during the results show. They're rude and cruel to the contestants, if Ryan had any backbone he's refuse to do it, or at least do it without participating fully. Oddly, they give Patrick a chance to talk more at the end.

Oh well; looking forward to getting back to the singing.

Photo of Becky O'Donohue, right, alongside her twin sister Jessie by Maxim.

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