Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Idle, Idol, Ideal

This is usually one of my favorite parts of the competition, when they pair people up and you see some of what they're really like. Wow, they don't get back to the hotel until 2:00 a.m. Anyone who's rehearsing at this hour is crazy.

Terrell starts lecturing about his two teammates, who are in bed. He's getting tiresome. At 3 a.m. he's calling one of them--what a waste of time. Other teams practice without everyone. Terrell calls his second teammate, reminds them what he's told them before. More talking; no practicing, or sleep.

Next morning people look tired. Terrell is still complaining, creating drama. Some girl says no one ever called her to let her know when to practice... she's also an idiot dramatic type, talks and preens for the camera.

Some groups are happy together; Terrell is making more calls, fusses and yells at his brother. Man, I can't wait to hear what he says in front of Simon.

10 am, some groups gotta go, others get more of the day to rehearse. First group, three girls, with Paris Bennett fronting, others singing backup. Wow, they've also got that Stephanie Scott woman, what a power group. They'll all be fine. Simon rakes them over the coals--no chemistry, no buzz. Hmm, they make decisions right after they sing! Paris, Stephanie get through--Simon says she's lucky to continue--third girl is out.

Terrell wastes time complaining; on stage his foursome is horrible as a group, they do nothing but stand and shoop-shoop. Individually, actually, they're not bad, except for some bald guy. Terrell isn't bad for all his stupidity; but forgets some of the words. And he of course rips half his group, it's pathetic. Judges though let three of them through, including Terrell. Then afterwards he trashes the one guy guy who practiced with him... ugh. Too bad T's been DQed because of legal problems, he was an entertaining trainwreck.

Back, and the guy who looks 12, Kevin Covais, leads his smooth group. They could go tour right now, all four make it easily. Some girl Tyra ditches her orignal group, tries to join another one, but doesn't seem that happy with it. Terrell's bro Darrell makes it to the next round, but wants to say something. He insists; says his spirit has been broken. It's bizarre; he thought his brother had been cut, but he hadn't been. So Terrell tells him he has to go back and apologize.

Other people keep singing... all-girl group sounds fine, decent choreography, all make it through, even the one who had the words written on the back of her hand.

They show a guy who forgets what song they're singing; lots of people butcher the lyrics--you'd think in year 5 they'd have learned you gotta remember the words--and that nutty Tyra leaves her second group. Tries to rejoin original group 30 minutes before they perform... they yell at her, but let her back in.

The group she just ditched is totally unable to remember the words, it's painful to listen. See ya to all three.

So Seacrest helps Terrell and Darrell get mikes in their hands, they talk to judges; fellow competitors aren't so sure they want them back. Simon tells them he's fed up with their hissy attitude, tells them to get off the stage, they'll get back to them.

Tyra's new group sings; they're pretty good. She's not so much, got a weird, mannish voice. The three of them make it--and she's through too, after they make her stand alone. Next group is a bit vampy, 2 girls and a guy, one of them says they had some issues, the one she was talking about goes off on some sort of crazy speech about how it's Idol, not Idols. Guy goes through; girls both make it through, even the one with the odd voice.

Funny 'trailer' about that Garet Johnson cowboy and his two fellow cowpokes. One guy says the epitome of being an American Idol is we can all work through our differences. Garet apparently is unable to perform the dance moves properly; so looking forward to their performance.

Back come Terrell and Darrell. One of them apologizes. They've both been invited to stay; and that's it. Now, the cowboys.... It's a very odd performance. Not sure this is a good song for them at all; plus they keep forgetting the words. Good thing the judges like them. Simon calls it ridiculous, and my gosh--all of them are cut, and go home! Oh no, Garet is so sad afterwards, starts crying, tells one of the other guys he's sorry he let him down, they hug for like a minute. Afterwards he says he knows he's not ready, he's so green at this; that if he waits a few years, he may become something. What a good kid; can't believe he's gone already!

Part 2
Everyone left had to choose one of 95 songs to sing, alone, in front of the judges. Oddly, they show only a few seconds-long excerpts for a few... this show was badly skewed, would've enjoyed hearing more here. Focus is on the judges deciding who to cut or keep.

Everyone's in one of four rooms, waiting. Room one--cut! Nobody I care about, though. That Tyra girl's here. Next room--makes it through. Then Simon has to leave, for an engagement in London? Ok....

Room three has one of the twins--but Paris is here, so I'm sure they're safe. And they are. So see you to room four; and that's all from the Hollywood show, with 32 people moving on.

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