Sunday, January 28, 2007

Massively destructive

So there's an interesting Times piece currently leading the website,
Iranian Reveals Plan to Expand Role in Iraq

James Glanz: Iran’s ambassador to Baghdad outlined an ambitious plan on Sunday to greatly expand its economic and military ties with Iraq — including an Iranian national bank branch in the heart of the capital — just as the Bush administration has been warning the Iranians to stop meddling in Iraqi affairs.
First, what's with the headline? Imagine if it were about the German ambassador to Poland--German reveals plan to expand role in Poland?

Second, wow, reveal--the Iranian ambassador reveals! In an--interview.... Wow, holy sleuthing, Times!

Third, imagine the shock! shock! if the Times discovered that Germany had an interest in ties with its neighbor. Imagine if the U.S. told Germany how dare you claim you have the right to influence your neighbor. Imagine if the U.S. told Germany to stay out of what we do to your neighbor, it's none of your business.

Sheesh. There's been a spate of article lately about how the Bush administration seems to be beating the drums for war with Iran, much like it did with Iraq. (I actually don't believe the administration has any thoughts of going to war with Iran--it's not a winnable war, for one thing; the administration's simply trying to get the most out of its blustering and threats).

Maybe someone should be writing articles about the Times' take on Iran. Where's Maureen Dowd when you need her?

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