Back with the Beatles on American Idol
They're singing the Beatles, again; 500 people in the studio audience, says Ryan. They introduce them one by one, a lot of crazy outfits tonight. Ryan, for some reason, goes over the rules; catches Randy yawning as he goes to him.
Not just Lennon-McCarthy this week, apparently, songs from the rest of the band as well. Usual inane banter from the judges, a lot of winking from Simon.
Ryan cues the chicks to scream as he introduces clips of the Beatles, getting screamed at. It was a pretty crazy moment in history, here's what I wrote about the Maysles' documentary of their first visit to America.
Amanda Overmyer up first, her most memorable moment so far is the big stage. She's definitely a bit too much into herself, singing Back in the USSR. Funny, the guy at the drums is wearing a polo shirt. She's all in black; I just don't get anything out of this, it's her usual shouty, mumbley, hostile thing. She's going for the whole Janis Joplin niche, but without Joplin's surprising vulnerability or creativity. It's just self-indulgent and dumb. Randy says good song choice, but pitchy to start, 7 out of 10. Paula says sketchy and the timing was off a bit, but when it worked you were authentic; do a vulnerable ballad at some point though. Simon says it was what it was--predictable, a bit of a mess, the same thing every week--try doing something different or surprising; or you'll become boring. She kisses off ballads to Ryan, calling it boring; she essentially says I'm running commercials for my future shows. Uh, okay--what shows?! Simon jumps in, says your tickets aren't on sale yet, you're jumping the gun a big.
Kristy Lee Cook next, looking seriously like a spokesmodel; in black spangly gown, she looks nervous. Ryan starts showing the camera the photos she looks at before performing. She talks about always being in the bottom two. She picked her song based on the title--ah, no wonder she's in danger every week, sheesh. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away; hmm, does an interesting slowed down version, I like it actually. It's powerful and controlled. Ugh, then the pace abruptly changes, it becomes a bit cheesy with the band joining in. And she seems to be having pitch problems. I really hate how she does the chorus, it's just odd. She sings so diffidently, like at arms length, instead of pouring heart and soul into it. But still, it's the best she's done for a while. Randy loves the song itself, calls the arrangement interesting, wants more emotion, a bit too boring/safe, the melody on the chorus is a bit off. Paula says you look great, a little safe, good not great. Simon says you need something like hypnosis, you're not a good performer, like musical wallpaper--you notice it but can't remember it, apart from when you're terrible. She at some point points to Simon and says I can blow you out of your socks, and you know it.
David Archuleta, he's had a lot of memorable moments, good and bad; talks about forgetting the lyrics, he's so sweet about it. The Long and Winding Road. Whoah, perfect song choice, from the get go--such a pure voice, it pierces through; in red sportcoat and jeans. Very sincere and powerfully effortless. Audience is totally into it, Randy is nodding along during it. It's very well-done; not amazing, but good. Girls are just screaming, it's great; Randy says you're back, just take some risks down the road. Paula loves the purity, you came back and that reveals character. Simon says last week was horrible, this week I thought you were amazing, calls it a master class.
Michael Johns next, funny watching him sitting there while everyone was screaming for David, like he wanted him to go away. Ryan does a commercial for iPhone beforehand, it's stiff and awkward and probably not at all what Apple had in mind. Johns talks about Bohemian Rhapsody, calls his own moment absolutely magic. A Day in The Life, he introduces it like we don't know it; really is oblivious in his own arrogance. Nice beginning, it's a good song choice for him; in dark shirt, jeans. Ugh, voice totally breaks on the high noise; he's so smarmy, the way he holds the mike and moves--it's almost laughable, this guy's gonna fall to a bunch of contestants he probably doesn't think belongs on the same stage as him. His pitch is off, the song isn't that enjoyable to listen to, it's self-indulgent and just doesn't connect; part of it is how me milks the lines, lengthens out the end. Randy says not one of your best, bad choice; you have a big voice, just let it do its thing. Paula says maybe the monitors in your ear problem, you're losing the connection with the audience. Simon says it was a mess, notes off, sort yourself out and nail the songs. Ryan wants Paula to go on about the ear pieces more--the hilarious thing then is Michael isn't wearing them, Paula now says there is not excuse, you've got to raise the game. He says afterwards he wanted to dedicate the song to a friend of his who died--uh, so he wants people to remember his friend via his bad singing?
Brooke White, in yellow; Ryan calls her the sweetest person alive. She's got family from Nova Scotia, got to see them this past weekend. Loved singing Let It Be; it was good, hope she can match it. Doing Here Comes the Sun--man, she really picks the perfect songs for herself. It's a complete performance--voice is in great form, outfit fits, it's all so smiley and fun, she's relaxed and natural out there. Some timing problems, it feels like; audience is up and clapping. Some funny dance moves thrown in too; she really seems to be having a good time up there. Randy says awkward, you didn't really connect to the song--Brooke keeps chiming in, it's a bit weird; Paula says you can't help but smile; hmm, a bit of a look of death from Brooke, she's not really smiling as Paula says could've been more challenging, less safe; Simon knew the whole thing would be like a cliche, calls the performance terrible, she keeps trying to talk over Simon, then goes on and on about her song choice. Kindof a mess. Afterwards she keeps talking says she'll go back to what she does best, I have a plan; man, her voice is really grating, and her personality is a bit too much. I'm now down on Brooke.
David Cook, he liked singing on the big stage, felt euphoric, nothing could hurt me. Daytripper; in black. Hmm, it feels like a real rock conert from the get go; he's totally confident, goes out and performs like a pro. I'm not crazy about the song itself, and his performance is a bit mechanical for me. But well done. Ugh, in addition to the guitar, starts using this bizarre mechanical device that messes with his voice. A bit much there, just thrown in. He too, like Brooke, is swelling maybe a bit too much; Randy says maybe not your best performance, but solid. Paula says you're ready to go sell records. Simon nails it--I don't think that was as good as you thought it was, you looked a bit smug in the middle, and that thing in the middle was just stupid. You've lost the element of surprise, didn't like the version, a bit predictable.
Carly Smithson, liked singing last week. Singing Blackbird, in red. Good song choice, strong and slow to start. She definitely has a good voice; I'm not crazy about the song itself though. Again, it's weird how angry she looks when she's singing; the audience is hollering, but I thought it was okay, very mannered. Wow, her husband is totally tattooed. Randy liked it, nice and controlled and emotive and cool. Paula likes her voice, likes how everyone's pushing everyone else. Simon says didn't like the song choice, called it indulgent, doesn't like the song. Carly jumps in, says the lyrics spoke to her, the music industry breaks you down. Oh jeez. There's a bunch of stuff, it's all pointless as Carly yammers on. She got sevens tattooed on her fingers... jeez.
Jason Castro, talks about Hallelujah, and the bad last note, which nobody else cared about. Ah, singing Michelle, funny watching him try to learn French. Maybe not the smartest tool in the shed, but a nice guy. White shirt and jeans; hmm, he's walking that line between corny and pleasant to listen to... I don't know about the song choice, he's not bringing anything interesting to it, either. It's a bit too smooth, thought he'd slow it down, do something different; oh well, it's totally fine, just nothing great. I'm a bit disappointed. Randy says bit subdued, just allright, no real connection, Castro admits it was just allright; Paula likes his charm, thinks he gets a little disconnected away from the guitar, an intimate song became almost like a polka, very sing-song; Simon says it's a weird song tonight, maybe bad idea to do Beatles two weeks in a row, your face sold that, lucky it's not a radio show; you're very charming, not obnoxious, have a good goofiness.
God, this show tonight is just dragging on. Simon's totally right, lightning can't strike twice. Syesh in a weird green dress; her memorable moment was being in the bottom three, says she needed that kick to get her going. She's singing Yesterday; wow, good song choice. She brings a nice simplicity to it, even if she's rushing a bit. Should just let this song flow out, almost let the audience afraid of what comes next, a bit too fast I think. But voice is strong, and pure, and heartfelt. Like she's telling a story; even if the glitter's a bit distracting. Hmmm, trying to do some things with it as it goes on, just sing it... I like it, overall. Would rather have heard Archuleta sing it, though. Randy says very very very good performance tonight; Paula says it's great to see you being vulnerable, sets you apart, just work on connecting more with your eyes--I totally agree with that. Simon says it was your best performance so far, not incredible, but good song choice, Brooke should've done it, sold the song well, should keep you around.
Chikezie next, he remembers Hollywood first round best, got good feedback from judges. I've Just Seen a Face, claims he's just gonna pick up a new instrument. Wow, his voice is really quite pure; I don't like the song, don't think it's that great; but the pick works for him, the lyrics are just unspooling. A bit rushed, actually, at the start; wow, lets loose on the harmonica, the song suddenly speeds up and changes in part two. He's a bit out of control, I think, like a crazy hillbilly; it's fun, though, and he's really pouring his soul into it. You can't help but enjoy it, he's just wailing. Not as great as last week, but fun again. Randy says some good parts, slow part was weird, good energy, harmonica thing was odd; Paula says you're showing who you are, loves the purity of his ballad part plus the crazy stuff; Simon says started okay, harmonica was horrible, weird country thing, too crazy, a bit gimmicky.
Ramiele Malubay last, I hope she just sings a slow, soulful song. Says it's a good stuck with the other peeps, says Brooke is like the mom of the place, David Cook gives her pep talks; again, can we see more of this?! Doing I Should've Known Better. Oh no, not up-tempo. Wearing a crazy white hat, weird outfit. Hey, I like the attitude, and all the head movements, and funky dance moves; it's only cause she's small and cute that she can pull this off. I'm totally enjoying it, even if the singing itself is a bit boring. She should dance even more; I like the updating of the song, it's all fun. She finishes strong; another very glittery contestant. Randy says liked it, good confidence, happy song if not great; Paula says better than last week, like the ballads though, get back in that zone; Simon says it sounded like Chikezie was on harmonica--I like you, but amateurish, you chose a mediocore song that didn't show the best of your ability.
I agree with Simon, doing this two weeks in a row made it hard for them, especially with everyone telling them what geniuses the Beatles were. They weren't--not the way Dylan or Sondheim are.
They were great because they were the ones singing the songs, it fit them to a T; but it's hard, really hard, for others to cover a Beatles song well, they're all so closely tied to that time, to that band.
Better, actually, to sing Lennon's post-Beatles songs, or their later non-mop top works. None of tonight's performances are going to stick with me, really, not the same way songs from past rounds have (Hallelujah!)
Still, better than any round from last year.
David Archuleta
Ramiele Malubay
Syesha Mercado
Brooke White
Carly Smithson
Jason Castro
Kristy Lee Cook
Michael Johns
Amanda Overmyer
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