Sunday, March 09, 2008

Inside Hillaryland

Arrogance, obliviousness, a belief that you can spin away facts... it's all there in this latest strategy by Hillary Clinton to implant in voters the idea that you can have your cake and eat it--just vote for Hillary, and get Barack Obama too.

The response from the Obama camp is typical, too.

Washington Post: Edward G. Rendell, the governor of Pennsylvania and a Clinton supporter, countered by arguing that "the traditional role of the superdelegates is to determine who's going to be our strongest candidate."

In the same "Meet the Press" program, Rendell became the latest member of Clinton's team to suggest that she would pick Obama as vice president if she wins the nomination. She mentioned the possibility last week, and former president Bill Clinton spoke of it at length during a campaign stop in Mississippi on Saturday.

Daschle said Obama does not have "any interest in being vice president," because "he's going to be our presidential nominee."

"It's really a rare occurrence, maybe the first time in history, that the person who's running No. 2 would offer the person who's running No. 1 the No. 2 position," Daschle said.

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