Idol cuts to 10
Ryan's results show intro seems to tease pretty much the same things as last week; they start with some 'news', listing the mentors: Dolly Parton, Mariah Carey, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Neil Diamond.
Wow, totally looking forward to Diamond; the others I'm curious about, but not that jazzed. Then they talk about Idol's song competition, which they're doing again. Group song next, another medley of tunes, sung by earnest contestants tracking the camera's every move. The choreography is cheesy, not sure why they force them to do this.
It's gotta be Kristy Lee Cook leaving tonight, but I hope not--hopefully it's Michael Johns or Amanda Overmyer. Brooke White comes out first, gets the 2nd degree from Ryan, but she's in the top ten. Carly Smithson, who's in the bottom three to some big boos--wow, how great would it be if she leaves tonight!
David Archuleta next, makes the top ten/summer tour as well. Aussie's next, he's unfortunately not going to get kicked, too many people left to mess with. He overacts his surprise/relief/happiness at making it.
Ryan thinks it'd be fun for us to watch the making of the Ford commercial. They're all really cold out on a hillside somewhere. It's an idiotic commercial, some black and white 50sish UFO chase thing.
David Cook up next, he'll be fine, and is. Kristy Lee Cook, just paced on the timing of this she's in the bottom three; and yup, she's back there. Jason Castro next, safe of course. Ramiele Malubay, she'll be safe--and is.
Down to Amanda Overmyer, Syesha Mercado and Chikezie. But back with calls from people, like last week they're directed at the judges, some chick asks Simon why he spends money on cars but not his clothes. Another dumb question, asking about Simon/Paula's kiss from season two, which I don't remember, he says Paula's actually a very good kisser.
Finally one for the contestants, Rameile's last iPod download was R. Kelly I'm a Flirt. Some other chick--all females so far--asks Michael if his experience on Idol has been everything he's thought it'd be, he makes a joke about how apparently he peaked in Hollywood.
Kellie Pickler, who Ryan says has grown in so many ways since being on the show. God she's had so much work done, it's sad--she looks a lot older too. They show the same clips they always do when she comes back. She looks a bit like Paris Hilton, in a red dress; her voice isn't bad, definitely going down the Dolly Parton road.
Back and Ryan's talking about Idol Cares, Elliott Yamin and Fantasia are in Angola seeing what the $78 million raised last year is being used to fight malaria. It's actually pretty interesting, except for the total lack of context about why Angola's in such bad shape. Wow, Elliott gets a newborn named after him, he's in tears--it's a nice moment, he's really a cool guy. There are a bunch of flies in the hospital.
Hmm, out comes Syesha--so it's gonna be Amanda. She's safe, and now Amanda and Chikezie come out together. He looks sick, but is safe right away, he wishes her well. Hmm, they're not doing that thing where they all have to sing.
Carly is safe after the break; curious to see what she does to try and come back next week. And Amanda's gone, Kristy cheats death for like the third time in a row. Big standing ovation for Amanda, now that she's leaving I like her again. Man, she likes sticking out her tongue; I like her quote, every week she's here is another chance to sing in front of people.
She handles it totally great at the end, is gracious and adult. She's got to wait for the band as she launches into her goodbye song, is having totally a good time.
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