Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Singing their age on Idol

It's only been a week, but it feels like forever since Idol was last on; not sure why. At any rate, Paula's in some fancy outfit and Simon's in the usual t-shirt,out comes the top ten looking like a bunch of kids.

They're singing songs from the year they were born; 1987 for Ramiele Malubay, her parents say she used to bite kids. She's pretty cute, talks about singing at her cousin's debut (filipino's are obsessed with that). Hearts Alone... good choice I think, dramatic/hushed start for her, in black skort with boots; powers through the chorus. A bit off-key key, but has a big pop feel to it; I enjoy it. Randy mentions she's a bit sick, thinks it's too big for her, and pitchy. Paula likes how big her voice is, even though she's sick. Simon has a smile on his face, doesn't think it was that bad, gets a hand from the crowd, a bit shrieky in the middle; you'll get through again. Cuteness isn't as affected by being sick, she'll be fine.

Jason Castro next, born in 1987, his parents remember his annoying fake guitar. Singing Fragile, playing the guitar too, in usual coffee house outfit. It's an okay choice, a bit wimpy. A bit thin vocally too, not sure about this, it's a bit repetitive and not challenging. Randy liked the choice, calls it allright, not so creative, but nice; Paula says not bad, Simon rips him, you've had two bad weeks and you need to start taking this more seriously, you're too laid back and in your own world--you could be the winner, you won't if you keep playing like a subway busker. Simon's totally right, Castro's been a bit too chill. He admits he could've spent more time practicing if he wants to do this, says his playing was a bit sloppy.

Syesha Mercado, also born in 1987. Her parents says she cried a lot as a baby. Says she's goofy most of the time, doing If I Were Your Woman, in white top/skinny jeans. Hate the camera work on her, it's disruptive; song is slow and powerful, and dramatic. Song isn't great though, good choice but the song only takes it so far. Keep waiting for it to bust out, and it does, near the end--she has a great voice, it's a good performance, just not my cup of tea. Also, just another in a line of great vocals from a black female, not sure it'll get her anywhere with the dialers. Randy says the best ever from you, stellar, unbelievable, shocked, proclaims we have another competitor. Paula says this is when you became the darkhorse candidate; Simon says the end wasn't that great, you hit the limit on your vocal on this song.

Chikezie next, talks to Ryan about song selection, he was afraid of doing another ballad, but the music guys said go with your heart, so he picked a song that resonates with him. Born on 9/11/85, super-cute as a kid, his mom said he was singing Stand By Me. Talks about growing up with Nigerian culture in America, focus on faith and education. Really a good guy, big smile. If Only For One Night. In sportcoat, a bit pitchy at the start, but very sincere, emotional performance. I like this side of him, but he's definitely off-key a bit. Not sure this Ruben R&B thing is his thing; it's a bit boring for me, and his voice is thin. Crowd seems to like it; Randy says this song felt old, didn't love it, no vibey Chikezie/energy, kind of boring; Paula disagrees, likes the throwback, great job; Simon thinks it was sung well, but the performance was cheesy, Simon says you're not singing it to the audience, you're singing it to yourself. He's right, the connection seemed a bit staged to me, not natural. No originality says Simon afterwards, I miss your personality.

Brooke White, born in 1983, taught herself to play the piano by ear, misses her family. Every Breath You Take, good choice I think; screws up the start, restarts; in black, it's very dramatic and pure. She's so good at picking songs that match her voice; it's a bit odd, though, like she's doing a classical musician's take on the song, just her on the piano with some band backup. Feels a bit rushed too, she's off tonight. Don't like it, actually, it's just not that compelling, almost like thrown together to be newish--good song choice, executed poorly. Randy liked the front part, didn't like the arrangement, never went anywhere, maybe better just on your own without the band; Paula enjoyed it more than last week's, you're unique vocally and consistent; Simon totally agrees with Randy, just you on the piano would've sounded a lot better. Good enough to stick around, but you've got to work this out.

Back with the two foreigners, Michael Johns up first. Back with a Coke pitch, the sponsors must hate this, they're turning it into a joke. Born in 1978, they're all talking about their astrological signs, mom says he was super-competitive. He seems so staged in the interviews; singing We Will Rock You. Wow... doesn't have the voice for it, too thin, no texture, it's shouty and dumb. But then, he gets more into the song, and it's actually quite good--very energetic, good tone to his voice, and it's like a real concert. I like it, in part because it's a good song, audience just keeps on screaming. Randy keeps trying to talk above it, says finally you nailed it and used your big voice; Paula says you found your right song; funny, so cheesy, but it was his sweet spot. Simon says first time he's seen star potential from him, you just got it right. It's almost like cheating, in my opinion, because the song is so hyper by itself.

Carly Smithson, born in 1983, she had big hair as a kid. Always wanted to be a pop star, she said, her mom backs her up. Total Eclipse of the Heart, the perfect song for her; in black and already looks angry. Her voice is smooth as silk, though. Man, she looks so mad, rips through the chorus--like she's gonna shove this down our throat. She can sing, but has got to work on her performance, it's liable to scare small children. Her body gyrations are really unpleasant, like it's all devoted to pumping out the volume. It wasn't a good performance, she should've just chilled and let her vocals flow. Randy didn't love it, sharp at the end, not the right song; Paula disagrees, Carly is just staring daggers, tells her she could do no wrong; Simon says didn't quite work, didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I was going to enjoy it, you were so tense, just lighten up a little bit.

Back with David Archuleta, born in 1990, who tells Ryan he's missed a few dances at school, might miss prom, which makes the girls go nuts. Ryan asks who he's going to take, he doesn't wanna say. So cute, his mom says his sisters are really close to him; there's hilarious video of them dressed up and dancing to a mexican folk dance, it's hilarious and super cute. Bad song choice, You're the Voice. The song is just not very good, and it's so forgettable--he seems like a little kid, and is off-pitch. He's so uneven week-to-week, wonder if he gets bad advice or something. Randy says it's a strange song choice, but you can sing whatever; Paula asks who the heck is that song from, some Aussie apparently; Simon says sung well in parts but didn't like the performance at all, like a theme park, not you at all, I'd be amazed if you chose the song yourself, it's not you.

Kristy Lee Cook, 1984, says she remembers being two and singing. Oh?! Her dad is the one who talks, unlike all the other parents; he seems cool. Oh gosh, is singing God Bless the USA. It's a brilliant choice, totally matches her voice and it's a good song; plus the lyrics match her target audience. I've never understood who's the "they" that's suppose to take our freedom away? Should really be "we". Also, I think there's a lot more to being an American than "at least" knowing I'm free. I've always thought of it as the kind of song written by someone who likes the way the words sound, instead of paying attention to the meaning. Randy says nice, some pitchiness but good; Paula calls it poignant and respectful, but I've seen better performances from you, watch the pitch problems; Simon says your best performance by a mile, the most clever song choice I've heard in years, it'll keep you in the competition. I don't know, actually; she's been appealing because she's a bit goofy/kooky, this song choice was like she's trying to stick around, like something Carly would come up with. Then again, maybe it's just one of her favorite songs.

David Cook, born in 1982. Her mom seems cool, talks about his guitar. Oh gosh, doing Billie Jean... my gosh, he's nothing if not creative. Slows it waaaaay down, turns it into almost a ballad, emo. You know he's gonna rip into it in a sec, there's tension--it's actually quite good, he's letting it unspool as a story. Almost unrecognizable; her comes the chorus, it's good, he can really sing. Man, totally building the tension, and... interesting, he doesn't wail, just builds it louder and stronger. This is really, really good--this could totally be on the radio. The girls are screaming. Wow. Randy says you're the most original and bold contestant we've ever had, you might be the one to win the whole lot, blazing, molten hot. Paula says she's blown away, you're so smart and brave, right to the edge--you can win this. Simon says that was brave, it was amazing.

Hmmm, do we have a new David at the top of the Idol pecking order?

David Cook
Michael Johns
Ramiele Malubay
Syesha Mercado
Kristy Lee Cook
Carly Smithson
Brooke White
Jason Castro
David Archuleta

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