Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hard cut to three

Can we at long last say good-bye to Katharine? Or will Elliott fall by the wayside? I'm assuming Chris and Taylor in particular will keep steam-rolling. The car commercial is oh-so-white; and suburban. I wonder if this is what the show's gonna become, as it hits the mass market.

They show Priscilla giving them a tour of Graceland, and puffing up Elvis. And then a bloated Lisa Marie shows up. They're mobbed by fans... but not her. Four of them come out on stage, doing a medley, I'll bet. It's soooo cheesy, like amateur hour run amok. Plus they cut from song to song so quickly it's ridiculous. Chris doing Love Me Tender is the only part that's any good, wish he'd sang it last night. The medley goes on, and on, and on. And Taylor and Katharine end it in the middle singing arm and arm.... I guess Katharine does have an advantage as the sole girl left. Let's see if it holds up.

They squeeze in a special performance of Jailhouse Rock by Taylor, after Rebecaa Rojin in the audience requests. Pretty cool, he gets up with no prep time and knocks it out. Although it's nothing special.

Afterwards, Ryan lines them up--it's gonna be Chris/Katharine in the bottom two, he tells Elliott to stand next to Taylor. Back from break--and yeah, I'm right. Wow, Elliott has really made a huge comeback, no other reason than good singing.

And then, in a crazy moment, Ryan just says Chris, you're leaving the show tonight. Ryan says a lot of people in shock, are you--he says yes. It's really too bad, he's the one with potentially the most star power. Curious to see who his votes go to. He's stoic watching his good-bye tape, pretty grim.

Yeah, this show is never predictable, at least not by me. It's kindfo a perfunctory last performance, before he runs over to the others and they hug.

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