Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Idol gives us 24 to know, and 1 to miss

They start with Ryan and Hayden Christinsen sitting virtually on top of some pyramids, turns out to be a promo for that new Jumper movie. Or whatever.

Everyone's together eating at a breakfast buffet, Ryan claims the judges aren't set yet on the finalists. Simon supposedly isn't happy with some of the choices; it's all overproduced. 50 people to show in an hour; they better get a move on.

Ronald Hodge first, it's the first time we've seen him. He apparently went funny his first time in Hollywood; and he's gone. He says he has no idea what he's gonna do now. Nina Shaw gone, first time also; Mycale Guyton, first and gone; Lisa Aukerman, likewise.

Carly Smithson, the Irish lass obviously makes it, they've been promoing her to death. Gosh, they show a ton of her singing; give me a break. Judges yammer to her, paint it as Hollywood good, San Diego bad. This is just dragggggging. Simon says just say yes or no to Paula, as she cries; Paula finally tells her yes, then gives her a hug as they tell her to be confident. I half like her, half don't; it drives me batty that they're pumping her up so much. Her segment goes on forever.

David Cook, the rocker guy, next; he'll make it. And he is in; short and sweet--he's hugging some fat chick with a shirt on that reads Baby Bump. Amanda Overmeyer next, rocker nurse will make it. She's pretty cool about it.

Brandon Green, Amanda Hawkins, Buck Smith--we meet them, then they're all gone in 4 seconds. David Archuleta next, he obviously makes it. They have Simon being serious to try and fake us out, but he's in.

Kristy Lee Cook next, backswoods girl will make it; she's cute. And she's in; Brooke White next, nanny will make it too, great tone to her voice--she's a nervous wreck, sobbing as she sits in front of the judges. They're so bad at acting, it's obvious she's in.

Danny Noriega next, easy in despite the chance he may have an attitude problem. Then, in a totally unfair sequence, three people who we haven't seen make it in; Jason Castro, Luke Menard, Alexandra Lushington--and they show them for 2 secs each.

Ramiele Malubay, the little Filipina who wants to be the first Asian American idol, is next; no opinion here, but she makes it. Wish she got more air time. She conducts herself in a very cute manner, her folks come over to celebrate.

Shaun Barrowes--hello, goodbye; big smile Lorena Pinot is gone, Drew Poppelreiter--oh, I liked him early, the farmer guy; some Natasha chick we've never seen before. Michael Johns next, he's obviously in. He could be a real dark horse.

Syesha Mercado, who I like and who lost her voice, will make it. Paula does a cheesy you've got a yes in your name; big smile from Syesha. Robbie Carrico, he'll make it too--this year's Ace Young. Simon pretends it was a split decision, but Paula obviously loves him.

It's 5 p.m. says Ryan, they zip through: Garrett Haley, Kady Malloy, Chikezie Eze, who I really like--all are in; also hot Amy Davis, Alaina Whitaker, Jason Yeager; he goes nuts. Asia'h Epperson, she's gotta make it; and she does, totally thrilled.

David Hernandez, Randy says not unanimous but I'm sure he made it; and he does. Simon says he voted against him, you gotta work a lot harder for a shot to win. Nice advice by Simon, hopefully the kid takes it to heart.

Josiah Leming, their darling; if they cut him they're total idiots. I'm sure he makes it, he tells the camera he thinks they're going to put him through, nervous but his gut says he's gonna keep going and it'll be amazing. Hmmm, they're editing it like he gets cut, though. He tells the judges he agrees with Simon and it all went to his head; oh my gosh, Randy says no. Wow! Be more consistent they say; this is totally ridiculous, they just cut their best contestant. He's crying, of course, painfully; hopefully somebody signs him. No family there for him, he's very soft-spoken, stands and talks to Ryan, a very brave kid, totally breaks down. People are comforting him; his segment lasts forever, but it's totally worthwhile.

They do that fake final four,

Here are my predictions for the final 12, in order of certainty in each group. Some kid we've never seen before, Colton Berry, polished kid vs. Kyle Ensley, the odd political-type. Kyle will make it, much more interesting. They show a clip of Simon saying a lot of people will like you, wish I had what you had. Wow, shocker--they cut Kyle! Simon says he totally disagrees, would've put Kyle through. I agree; wow, Simon really goes on, says he's really disappointed. Yeah, Colton is a total non-entity, he'll be gone soon. Two nice kids though. And they give Kyle the last word--ha, even the editors agree he's more interesting.

Girls are down to Cardin McKinney, who moved to Nashville for her career and JoAnne Borgella, plus-size model. They show JoAnne and Simon liking her; I think it'll be her, we'll see. Randy stretches it out, forces them to talk. After a long time, it's indeed JoAnne. They walk out holding hands; see, they need more moments like this, Simon says this is the point where I change my mind.

Montage of people losing, Drew again talks about not missing turkey season. Ryan introduces the top twelve guys, dancing; it's a fun segment. Then the chicks.

There are a lot more talented guys this year than last; but there are still more talented girls, I think.

David Archuleta
Danny Noriega
Michael Johns
Chikezie Eze
David Hernandez
David Cook

Kristy Lee Cook
Ramiele Malubay
Amanda Overmeyer
Asia'h Epperson
Amy Davis
Kady Malloy

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