Hippies come back
They run last week's highlights, including the hilarious digging in the desert exchange between Ray ('get a pattern going') and Yolanda ('yo momma got a pattern going'). Made even funnier by how she said it under her breath.
From the Green Castle in Oman, to... Australia! No money for the hippies. Old people take off at 5:35 p.m., to Perth. 9,000 miles away. And they drop off $20 bucks at the car of the hippies, how cool. Joseph/Monica pretend to give hippies money, but chortle and take off. Idiots. Ah, I guess hippies asked to give them money. The king's coming, so the roads are blocked. An hour behind are Ray and Yolanda, they give the hippies some money, black people are so much more giving and generous. Yolanda and Ray talk about how JoMo pretend to be nice, but aren't. Frat boys give hippies nuttin.
King's gone, traffic moves. Wow, fireworks. Hippies have $30. They're counting on their goofy attitude to get them past stuff. At airport, Jo/Mo beat old people, then R/Y, then frats. Other people don't think hippies will be able to make it. On the way they pick up hitchhikers--one who's a bedouin from the desert. At the airport, everyone's on the same flight. Hippies need gas, ugh. Guy they're with buys them some candy bars, then gas, then mango juice--they touch noses, it's pretty cool actually. Hmm, will they make it in time....
10 minutes to takeoff, and they're just pulling in. Some airport guy grabs them, come with me. Frats say they're sure hippies won't make it, MoJo don't think so either. And the guy--gets them the tickets, woman tells them to run. And off they go--just in time. Good karma, baby.
R/Y are happy to see them, so are old people; Jo/Mo are mad, frat boys annoyed too. They start working the aisles, asking for money--long flight, so plenty of time. IN Perth, need to find war memorial. Old people somehow last. Frats leading, then Jo/Mo. Hippies made over $300, they have more than anyone else.
Frats first to box, to Fremantle, then ferry to some resort island. Jo/Mo next, R/Y--who say they can't afford it by cab, hippies--told they can take a bus. R/Y's driver tells them about bus, too. Old people there next. Frats and Jo/Mo get to ferry place, doesn't depart until 7:30 a.m. Everyone goes off to hostel.
Hippies and R/Y off to get a bus. Everyone else checks into hostel. Bus people show up, a bit later, totally lucky. Then again, saved tons of money. Everyone's on same ferry. Gotta ride a tandem bike to lighthouse. Frats first, Jo/Mo, hippies, old people, blacks. Old people like bikes, they say. R/Y change places, so he's in front. Frats to box first, detour. Either sand--grab a pile of 40 branches, drag to a sand dune to 'brush' the beach (prevents sea erosion); sea--dive and search through 50 crayfish traps to find 2 crayfish, most traps are empty. Jo/Mo next, then hippies, Jo/Mo are just heaping abuse on them for some reason. R/Y show up, say old people may look old, but they're goood.
Hippies catch up to frats, both doing sea. Hippies do dragging. Jo/Mo going somewhere else, are lost, start yelling at each other. Idiots. She's right, he screams at her, gosh what an ugly couple. Frat boys rely on their amazing luck, go diving. Old people do drag too. Frats find a crayfish. Frats find their second one. In first, gotta go to Fremantle prison. Tunnels under the prison.... Hippies about done. Off they go. Jo/Mo dive. Where's R/Y? Jo/Mo get just one. R/Y show up, old people are about done, they do branches too. Idiots Jo/Mo go back for another one. Old people done. Monica has trouble getting crayfish, freaks out, says she's scared of it, can't do it. Idiot.
Amazing how much of a difference editing can make. She grabs it, off they go. R/Y still dragging. They're done, bit behind. Frats still biking. Frats run for ferry, make it before everyone else, just as it's pulling out--the 9:15 a.m. one. Hippies decide to get on 9:25 a.m. to Hillary and taxi down. Old people want a cab waiting before they get off ferry. Jo/Mo there, too. R/Y zip in, and they... make the 10:00 ferry too.
Fremantle, frats off, and off to prison. Hippies cab it. Jo/Mo order a taxi from ferry. Frats at prison already. Roadblock. Search prison for one cell with duracell batteries and flashlight, then gotta go down into tunnels and look for next clue. Whoah. Frat one finds batteries already. Then has trouble finding tunnel. Hippies stuck in traffic. R/Y try to grab a cab on street, old people's didn't show so they go off looking too. They wind up taking a bus to the prison. Frat #1 still can't find tunnel. Jo/Mo show, frats say they've been there for an hour. Hippies thrid. Frat #1 finds the tunnel finally. Jo and Tyler running around, Jo finds batteries. Tyler does next. Frat #1 paddling boat around; R/Y show up, Yolonda's gonna do it. And the old woman... oh-oh. Frat #1 finds clue, off he goes. Jo finds tunnels, as frat boy comes out; he tells him to take the canoe. Heh heh.
Frats off to pit stop, sailing club. Were gonna steal someone's cab, wind up just walking. Joseph finds his clue. Tyler can't find the tunnels. Yolanda finds the light. Fran next. None of the final three can find the tunnel. MoJo grab their cab, off they go. Frats run to club. Frats and MoJo get there about the same time, it's a footrace. Frats beat them out by a matter of feet. Tyler helps Yolanda to find tunnel, then Fran. Now it's pure luck who gets it first--Tyler finds his, off they go, their cabbie waited. Yolanda finds hers, Fran hers.
Editing makes it seem like they're neck and neck, but R/Y grab cab, off they go. Old people from first to last. Hippies finish 3rd, and they dance. R/Y are nervous. Old people say they feel sick. R/Y can't find breakwater, old people running too. And it's... R/Y! Yaay.
Wow, next elimination will be down to final three. This season has flown by. Fran says she won't cry, as they're eliminated; they're a good couple.
Next race--there are gators. Jo/Mo and the hippies seem to turn up their rivalry.
Uncredited photo of Fran and Barry from the Amazing Race.
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